6 Ways to Fix Problems at Body After Childbirth

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After childbirth, there were many changes in women's bodies. Weight problems might be dealt with quickly and easily, but what about other problems?

Here are six issues contained in the bodies of women after childbirth and how to overcome them, as reported by parents.com, Wednesday (25/01/2012).

1. Used wound Operation Caesar

Even though most scars fade in one or two years, the scar never really lost.

"The key to making the scar less noticeable is the way to handle it from the outset," said Debra Jaliman, MD, clinical instructor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City.

Research has shown that the active ingredient in a topical gel mederma consisting of onion extract, helps reconstitute collagen in the skin and soften scars.

The gel is safe to use during breastfeeding or pregnant and most effectively used for scars that occur under one year, but it can minimize the scars that have been around for eight years.

Other procedures performed in doctor's office such as laser treatments and steroid injections usually give better results, faster, but more expensive. Moisturizers can help skin look younger, and massage can soften new scars. However, do not use the product Vitamin E.

"Vitamin E can not change the skin collagen, nor is there evidence that topical vitamin that has any impact," said Stephen Metzinger, MD, a plastic surgeon at Children's Hospital, in New Orleans.

2. Sagging breasts

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the hormone causes more extensive breast tissue and surrounding skin dilate to accommodate this change. After that, the network will shrink, but the skin is no longer elastic.

"Although his tightness can be restored through plastic surgery, do not actually have to use a scalpel to make it just a little tight," said Aron Kressel, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Metropolitan Hospital, in New York City.

"Exercise will not increase the size of the bra, because the breast tissue is fat, not muscle. But exercise can change the pectoral muscles around the breast, making it up, and make the appearance more fresh," said Courtney Barroll, a personal trainer at Equinox Fitness Clubs, in New York City.

Some of the exercises can be done include: push-ups, lifting your chest and lay on your back, pull-overs, and chest compression.

We recommend that you consult your doctor before doing exercise after giving birth. Do not use cream breast fasteners, for there is no evidence of such creams can tighten skin or restore elasticity.

3. Melasma

More than 70% of pregnant women will have melasma or 'mask of pregnancy', the dark spot on the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip that often fade after delivery but did not disappear completely. Patches is due to hormonal fluctuations when the pregnancy.

Prescription bleaching creams such as steroids and tretinoin, either used alone or in combination. Many patients experience improvement in several weeks. However, this cream may cause temporary redness, skin peeling and dry skin. These creams should not be used while nursing or pregnant.

Procedure called glycolic can be done in the doctor's office to help remove the top layer of skin. Beauty products without a prescription containing hydroquinone 2 percent or licorice extract may also reduce discoloration. Do not forget to use sunscreen to maintain the results. The fastest way is to use makeup to cover blemishes or makeup.

4. Abdominal fat

Although the baby was born safely, bulge around the belly is not budging. That's because most of the skin and muscles are still widening. Movements that target the muscle that wraps around the abdomen, such as sit-ups, will be able to help tighten the muscles around the abdomen.

Alternatively, try a push-up position, balance weight on the arm. Place a towel under the foot, and when you pull your stomach, slide your knees toward your chest. Perform two sets of 5-8 repetitions, three times a week. Perform up to three sets.

5. Stretch marks Skin

"Former stretch the skin in the abdomen, hips, breasts or buttocks are usually reddened and then thin out within a year. Many absence of the former depends on genetics and how quickly gaining weight. The sooner treated, the more likely to disappear," says David J. Goldberg, MD, director of laser research in the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City.

Retin-A cream can help remove stretch marks skin. Retin-A to build collagen, tighten skin collagen is damaged when interested. The side effects are temporary redness, skin peeling, and dry.

Microdermabrasion, a procedure in which small crystals are used to remove the top layer of skin and stimulates collagen production, can treat stretch marks is longer. In addition, the FDA recently approved laser treatment to add pigment older skin cells, causing the skin stretch marks which has long been able to blend with the surrounding skin.

6. Landscape Blood Vessels

As many as 40% of pregnant women experience dilation of blood vessels near the surface of the skin or varicose veins, most often in the calf and thigh.

"Heredity, hormones and pressure on the veins when the pregnancy was the cause. Varices can improve after childbirth, but it will not disappear entirely," said Dr. Masterson.

The procedure can help diebut sclerotherapy, the procedure of injecting the affected veins with a solution that causes the veins to close, then fade or disappear within about two weeks.

Usually, it takes more than one session, and advised to wait at least six months after giving birth. Temporary side effects which include stinging at the injection site, muscle cramps, and reddish or brown spots.

Drinking Black Tea Can Reduce High Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure (hypertension) experienced by many people and for the safety of people still advised to have a normal blood pressure levels of 120/80 mmHg. Problem of high blood pressure is one of them can be overcome by drinking black tea.

Tea has been believed to have many benefits. Tea also has various kinds, and each has its benefits. People who regularly drank black tea may benefit from a slight decrease in blood pressure. It is based on a new study from Australia.

"Although the study could not identify the specific components of tea that may cause a decrease in blood pressure. However, recent research shows that, flavonoids, namely a compound found in many plants such as tea, is good for heart health," said the researchers.

"It never hurts to try to consume black tea regularly, given the benefits to be gained," said Jonathan Hodgson, a researcher from the University of Western Australia as reported by HealthNews, Friday (27/01/2012).

The study has involved 95 people in Australia were randomized with normal blood pressure for the two groups. One group of black tea and other drinks with the same flavor and contains caffeine. The results of these studies have been published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Before the study began, the participants throughout the day blood pressure is about 121/72 mmHg. Blood pressure readings less than 120/80 mmHg is considered normal. High blood pressure is defined by blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. While people with blood pressure between the two categories is said to have pre-hypertension.

Each group was instructed to drink 3 times per day for 6 months. After 6 months of systolic blood pressure of the blood of tea drinkers fell 2 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure also decreased by approximately 2 mm Hg. While the decrease in blood pressure is generally good, a 2 mm Hg were not significant enough to bring someone with high blood pressure out of the danger zone.

"It is only found less significant reduction of blood pressure due to drinking black tea, not as a result of blood pressure-lowering drugs," said Dr. Joseph Vita, a researcher who focuses flavonoids studied at Boston University School of Medicine.

However, systolic blood pressure (blood pressure when the heart is pumping / upper limit) in the placebo group increased by approximately 1 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (the pressure when the heart is relaxing / lower limit) is also increased by about 0.5 mmHg.

To take into account the potential influence of other foods, the participants are not allowed to eat foods rich in flavonoids such as apples, grapes, dark chocolate and wine four weeks before and during the study.

Often sick? This may be the cause

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Everyone will want to have a healthy body and avoid all kinds of diseases. But why are there people who are often very sick. So the expression a little sore. This could be the cause of the body is so frail and unable to fight the illness.

There are several things that can make a person easily hurt or cause ease transmission, depending on what diseases menjangkitinya. If respiratory problems are often ill who are not accompanied by fever, there is probably caused by allergies.

Allergies usually makes people more susceptible to colds and flu, this condition will worsen if someone went out or came home after working all day. This is because allergies can be triggered from inside or outdoors.

Most people become sick more often during the winter. This is because when the cold air outside so people tend to stay indoors so as to make the germs spread more rapidly, as quoted from About, Friday (27/01/2012).

Lived a lifestyle that can also be triggers such as smoking which makes cilia (hairs in the nose and lungs are functioning against disease) death, and smokers tend to have low iron levels so that people are more susceptible to germs or bacteria.

Poor diet will make someone lack essential nutrients that the body be not fit or are not strong against the disease. Eating a healthy, balanced and contain enough water can help the immune system becomes stronger.

Another factor that could easily make people sick is a high stress level, depression is not diagnosed, does not maintain good hygiene such as washing hands often, low thyroid function and certain diseases that make the immune system decline.

If you frequently ill try to start to change the style of life lived as well as reduce levels of stress and depression by taking time for relaxation and reflection.

But if someone is sick with a long duration or occur regularly, then consult a physician may be the first step should be performed to determine the exact cause.


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Ethimox contains amoxycillin trihydrate. Amoxycillin is used to treat various bacterial infections. This drug is a type of penicillin class of antibiotics. This drug works by stopping bacterial growth.

Antibiotics only work for bacterial infections and will not work for viral infections, such as the flu virus. Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to decreased effectiveness.

Amoxicillin may also be used with other medicines to treat stomach or intestinal ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria and to prevent ulcer recurrence. This drug can only be obtained by prescription.

1. Infection of the intestinal tract tissue
2. Infection of the digestive tract (GIT)
3. Dermatitis
4. Respiratory tract infections

Adults: 250-500 mg 3-4 times daily.
Children: 25-50 mg / kg body weight per day in 3 divided doses.

Contains amoxicillin trihydrate.

Healthy Ways to Make Big Breasts

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Beautiful big breasts are still a dream of many women, so many millions of operations was willing to do. But other than surgery, there are several natural and healthy way that can enlarge breasts. What?

Some foods can increase the levels of hormones such as estrogen and prolactin, which can directly increase the size and shape of the breast tissue. Exercise can also strengthen the muscles that prevent breast sagging.

Here are some healthy and natural ways that can help to enlarge women's breasts, as reported by Livestrong, Thursday (26/01/2012):

1. Tofu and tempeh

Tofu and tempeh have compounds such as genistein and daidzein are naturally present in soybeans and other legumes. This compound is part of a class of molecules called isoflavones, estrogen-like compounds which can affect the hormones in the human body.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognizes the use of soy as penmbesar breast theoretically, but using it is based entirely in the tradition and theory, because there is no scientific research that proves this.

2. milk

All dairy products contain reproductive hormones that are identical to those found in the human body. Cow's milk contains natural estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, which is important for milk production in mammals.

Trace amounts of hormones found in milk is unlikely to bring radical changes in the human body, but at least it can contribute to the growth of breast tissue.

3. Licorice (liquorice)

NIH reported that licorice root can raise levels of prolactin and estrogen, two hormones associated with lactation and breast growth.

4. fennel

Fennel is used as vegetables and herbs that grow in the eastern Mediterranean. According to the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, fennel-containing compounds and photoanethole dianethole drugs, which can alter the levels of estrogen in the human body.

The seeds of this plant has a characteristic sweet taste with a slightly sharp flavor. Besides being used as a spice in cooking, there is also traditionally used to stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers.

5. Pectoral muscle workout

Exercises that work the chest muscles can increase breast size by increasing the size of the supporting muscles, so it looks bigger.

Examples of chest muscle exercises include exercises pressure, that is by standing upright facing the wall, leaning with his hands and hit the wall as hard as possible. It also could push up motion.

6. Exercise stomach, back and shoulder muscles

Exercises that reduce stomach, back and shoulder muscles can make your breasts look more edema and ride. This exercise will not benefit directly to the breast, but it can help breasts appear larger by providing support and slimming the area around the breast.

Examples of these exercises is sit ups, walking fast, jogging, swimming, tennis, biking and hiking.

7. breast massage

Doing regular massage can increase breast size. This is because massage has the ability to stimulate blood flow to the area.


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Analspec containing mefenamic acid. Mefenamic acid is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate pain. Other NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, indometacin, naproxen, and diclofenac. It can also be used to treat menstrual cramps and other conditions as determined by your doctor.

This drug can only be obtained by prescription. A substance in the body called cyclo-oxygenase is involved in the production of various chemicals in the body, including prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are produced in response to injury and certain diseases and conditions. Prostaglandins cause pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Mefenamic acid works by blocking the action of cyclooxygenase thereby stopping the production of chemicals which are irritants.

1. headache
2. toothache
3. myalgia
4. rheumatism
5. traumatic pain
6. dysmenorrhea
7. Postoperative pain
8. postpartum pain

Adults and children over 14 years
1. Initial dose: 500 mg.
2. Advanced Dosage: 250 mg every 6 hours.

Mefenamic acid.

10 Signs Wife Disappointed with Sex

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Women rarely or almost never showed his disappointment to the husband, especially when it comes to bed and emotional problems. Women prefer to show his disappointment over the cues that sometimes the husband was unable to catch it.

According to research by the Kinsey Institute recently, if the wife has become cold and indifferent, the problem may be more emotional than physical.

As reported by Menshealth.com, Tuesday (01/24/2012), here are the signs if the wife is not satisfied with the husband:

1. Pull Away from Children

One of the signals indicated that he was not satisfied wife is to withdraw from its proximity to the children.

"He may resist caring for the children because she hoped her husband learned that their needs are not met. What he did was ask her husband to speak," said Haltzman.

2. Swelling Credit Card Bill

When my wife was not satisfied, he would vent his disappointment with the way the typical woman, shopping.

"Some women think of shopping as a therapy to meet the needs of himself," says Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., author of Forgivable Sin.

3. Her body weight increased

Another way to vent their disappointment with a lot of women are eating.

"Women compensate for the lack of sex by eating more to feed their hungry sexual desire," says Eaker Weil.

4. More Work

Do more activities outside the home and busied themselves may be an attempt to sever ties with her ​​husband.

5. Ridiculing Accidental Husband When Chatting with Friends

Because women do not want to release his frustration out loud, he will give the words are as if not intended to satirize husband.

6. Caught Masturbating

Masturbation is a clear sign that the wife was not content to enjoy a relationship with her husband bed.

"If he masturbate more frequently than usual, it's a sign that the husband does not take care of all their sexual needs as well. Ask what he wants. If he's shy, say 'I know that I'm no fun, but I want to please you. Is this what do you like?, "says Eaker Weil.

7. Changed Being Naughty

Sometimes the wife suddenly turned into a rogue or wild. This was done to demonstrate to her husband that she was bored with the game of sex in the past.

"If he brings home a sex toy or suggest renting adult videos, maybe he thinks that the old patterns no longer works for him," said Haltzman.

8. Being Changed Very Passive

There are times when women become very passive and did not much respond to sexual stimulation. That is a sign that he has dissatisfaction. The problem may not be about sex.

"Not many moves during sexual intercourse and become less responsive is a clear signal withdrawal. The only way to know what is happening is by talking," said Kuriansky.

9. Be More Sexy

Women who are less insatiable sexual desires can also become more proactive in order to respond to her husband needs. For example, look more sexy in front of her husband.

"He sent a message that he is a sexual being, because she thought her husband had forgotten," said Haltzman.

10. Becoming More Critical than Husband

Happiness is not only determined wife in bed, but also the attention and closeness with their partner. When his wife suddenly became more critical, this is a warning that the husband did not pay attention to him other than in bed.

"Satisfaction can come from feeling respected, loved, respected, and desired it emotionally and physically," says Eaker Weil.